Features of lessons
- The lesson starts promptly with a do now type activity that maybe focussed on retrieval of prior knowledge or checking on understanding from previous lesson
- Timings are used appropriately to move learning on
- The whole lesson is used for learning. House-keeping activities are kept to a minimum
- Students target grades are used within lesson planning to devise progressive learning objectives
- Reviews of progress happen throughout the lesson
- Work progresses throughout the lesson from one clear stage to another
- There is a purposeful atmosphere with students working hard throughout the lesson
- Consolidation of prior learning with a focus on key knowledge and skills is used well for revision/scaffolding learning and is not just a time-filler
- Students individual start points have been considered when planning the lesson
- There is a good balance between teacher talk and independent/group work
Examples for students
- Students can reflect on their progress with the progressive lesson objectives
- Students understand the purpose of the lesson and are clear about what they are learning at each stage
- Students recognise the need to be engaged in the learning throughout and are ready to move on when the teacher is ready
- Students seek support when they need it
- Disadvantaged students are working productively throughout the lesson
- Students participate fully in Q and A sessions
- Students do the tasks in the required time and do not waste time on things that are not to do with learning e.g. taking too long to organise their equipment etc.
- Students have strategies for coping independently if they need help or if they finish a task
Examples for the teacher
- Teacher knows their students, including the PP and SEND students and knows where to target support to keep all students up with the pace of learning
- Excellent subject knowledge is shown by the teacher that facilitates learning effectively for students
- Misunderstandings are picked up quickly and dealt with effectively for all individuals and for the class
- Passion and enthusiasm for the topic/subject is shown by the teacher from the start to encourage students interest and engagement
- Teacher responds to needs as they arise in the lesson and adapts the lesson as needed to address them
- A suitable plenary is used to inform planning for the next lesson and assess progress with the objectives for the lesson
- Homework, if set, is integrated into the structure of the lesson and not rushed at the end
- Teacher knows when to move students on to a more challenging task