
  • There is a positive working atmosphere in the room
  • Lesson objectives and long term learning goals are clear, challenging and understood
  • Oral feedback is given regularly
  • Active learning and thinking is in evidence
  • Praise is not over used and effort rewarded rather than outcome
  • Students when listening are focussed and there is Q and A for all to test this
  • The lesson has been planned to minimise opportunities for off-task behaviour
  • The lesson flows from start to finish
  • Tasks are complex and require students to think hard
  • Full participation by all is evident
  • Strong relationships showing mutual trust and respect are evident between staff and students and between students themselves
  • Classroom routines and behaviour and rewards systems are being used appropriately
  • The lesson has been planned to ensure there is a clear focus on acquiring the powerful knowledge and skills needed for life-long learning that will stimulate the interest of students
  • Resilience is in evidence and is expected by staff and students
  • Lesson has been planned to ensure students have to think deeply and carefully
  • DS and other vulnerable groups are well known to the teacher and opportunities to use their interests and ideas are taken
  • Risk taking and a growth mind-set to things that are difficult is encouraged

Examples for students

  • Students are on task throughout
  • Students show interest by asking insightful and useful questions to further understanding
  • Students are willingly cooperating with each other in group work, all have a role and are not taking a back-seat
  • Students don’t want to give up when things get difficult they show resilience and want to persevere
  • Students seem to enjoy the challenge of problem solving
  • Students are thinking carefully about the tasks and are discussing what they are learning
  • Students talk positively about the subject and enjoy the lesson
  • Students behave well and show respect to everyone else in the room
  • Students want to do their best and try hard even when it is difficult
  • The students recognise they have worked and thought hard in the lesson
  • Students are keen to acquire and develop appropriate subject specific knowledge and skills

Examples for the teacher

  • In group work the teacher has thought carefully about the best pairings/groups to facilitate learning
  • Group work is structured and contributes to the learning and interest in the topic
  • Teacher deals with any off task behaviour or behaviour for learning issues quickly and effectively so that learning for others is not adversely affected
  • Teacher welcomes students inquisitiveness
  • Teacher encourages questions to be focussed on the topic but recognises that questions beyond the scope of the syllabus can be useful in engaging students (these do not detract from the learning objectives for the lesson )
  • Teacher ensures that key knowledge and skills are explicit
  • Teacher fosters a growth mind-set. Refuses to accept I can’t or I don’t get it e.g. as response adds the ‘yet’ at the end