In the faculty of Personal and Physical Development, there is a real emphasis on equipping students with the resilience, values, knowledge, and positivity to be the leaders of tomorrow.

Collaborating as a collection of curriculum areas and subject strands has helped us to reflect on our pedagogical approach to personal development.  It has given us the opportunity to design an inclusive curriculum in which individual and team achievements are celebrated within a supportive environment, and where all learners are encouraged to take risks in the classroom and on the sports pitches.

In Personal Development Studies, students follow an ambitious curriculum in which they are challenged to learn how to be better learners and how to develop the seven habits of highly effective people.  Metacognition is engaged in every lesson and learners are increasingly able to self-regulate their learning and behaviour.

Students use their curiosity to discover the world of work in careers lessons and think ahead to the type of adults they aspire to become.  They develop a good knowledge of the world of work and are supported in their choices, with the aim of leading to a career which embeds life-long learning.  During the World of Work Week, Year 10 students explore their personal skills and qualities, learn how to uphold the Equality Act in the workplace and interact with people from a range of professions.

In PE lessons, students discover the life-long benefits of physical activity for physical and mental health, learn about sportsmanship, and have opportunities to celebrate sporting achievement attained through teamwork and perseverance.

In RSHE lessons, students learn how to thrive as individuals and how to include e

ach other when learning about identity and healthy relationships, the dangers of substance abuse and how to stay healthy, safe, and happy.  They learn empathy and consider how to overcome barriers thrown up by issues relating to sex, gender, and sexuality.

In RE and Citizenship, students engage with the ideas of the great philosophers and gain the cultural capital and moral education needed to thrive and lead in a diverse society.

Through our extra-curricular programme, which includes the eco-council, pride club, and numerous sports clubs, we build on our broad curriculum and allow students to pursue their interests in a safe inclusive community of enquiry.