The latest Ofsted inspection of Lady Manners School took place in March 2020. Our overall effectiveness was judged to be ‘Good’ with the following category ratings:

  • The quality of education: Good
  • Behaviour and attitudes: Good
  • Personal development: Outstanding
  • Leadership and management: Good
  • Sixth-form provision: Good

We are delighted that the inspectors found that students at Lady Manners School ‘enjoy school’. Our students are ‘confident and develop high aspirations’, and we are delighted that students are ‘proud that they attend Lady Manners School’.

The report finds our curriculum to be ambitious and constantly evolving to reflect the ‘needs of pupils and the local rural community’. The inspectors found that ‘ensuring pupils’ positive mental health and well-being is a key priority for staff’ and highlight some of the areas in which we are leading the way to support this.

The report also highlights the ‘positive relationships’ between students and with staff and that students ‘appreciate the support, guidance and care that they receive from their teachers’. It notes that our students have ‘lots of opportunities to widen their learning outside the school’s curriculum’, citing some of the many areas at Lady Manners School that enable them to do this, from our many clubs and societies to our effective careers education.

The recommended actions are being addressed swiftly and decisively. Our determination and drive to improve has not diminished. We will ensure that our students continue to thrive within our inclusive and aspirational learning environment.

Our Ofsted inspection report can be downloaded here, or viewed on the Ofsted website.

Parent View

At Lady Manners School we believe that having an understanding of how parents and carers feel about their children’s life at school is vital for our ongoing programme of improvements. For this reason, we encourage parents to let us have their feedback by completing a questionnaire when they attend parents’ evenings.

When Ofsted inspect a school they take into account the views of parents and carers when making their judgements. They do this through use of a similar online survey also called ‘Parent View’.

Department for Education Performance Data

The Department for Education maintains details of school performance, characteristics and spend per pupil data for all schools. Click here to see the achievement and attainment performance data held by the Department of Education for Lady Manners School.