Students in Key Stage 3 begin to look at future career choices in preparation for choosing their options in Year 8 and in Year 9. It is important that they make choices that keep the broadest possible range of future career options open to them.

The Careers Team also offers students the opportunity to access independent and impartial careers guidance. This is offered in a variety of ways, which might include one-to-one careers interviews with professional careers advisers and access to a wide range of external sources of careers information, advice and guidance.

The aim of this page is to give access to a selection of the publicly available sources of careers information.

Lady Manners School students also have access to an array of further information via Moodle (the school’s virtual learning environment). You can, of course, make use of the other careers pages on this website, which give useful careers information for older students.

Careersbox Watch videos of people in different professions and find out about latest careers developments and apprenticeships.
icould From accountants to zookeepers, get a first-hand view of jobs to help make career decisions and support guided choices.
Careers Guidance for Parents A guide for parents to career choice for young people aged 13-25.
Further information Don’t forget that students can access Moodle (the school’s virtual learning environment) for further resources.
University Technical Colleges (UTCs) There are options available for students to receive their education in a UTC (set up by universities or businesses to specialise in one or two technical subjects) from Year 10. There are no UTCs or Studio Schools in Derbyshire but there are some in neighbouring authorities which may be within an hour’s travelling distance. If this is an option you would like to consider, please contact us on 01629 812671 or We will be able to provide further information and guidance.
Courses in Derbyshire Find out what courses and qualifications are available to study near you.
UCAS Plan ahead by finding details of all UK based university courses.
The Russell Group The Russell Group represents 24 leading UK universities. Click here to access their FAQ page for information about the entrance requirements for a modern foreign language.  From the FAQ page you can also access their ‘Informed Choices’ booklet. There is good advice on GCSE and A level choice.
National Apprenticeship Service What is an apprenticeship? What can I train for? Find out more by visiting this website. Later on in Key Stage 4, you will be able to register and apply for vacancies.
The Apprenticeship Guide The Apprenticeship Guide will show you how subject choices relate to apprenticeship options.
D2N2 Labour Market Information Information on Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire (D2N2) local labour market information and specific East Midlands growth sectors: construction, visitor economy, transport equipment manufacturing, transport and logistics, low carbon industries, life sciences, health and social care, food and drink manufacturing and creative industries.
People in Work Office for National Statistics website giving national employment data covering employment rates, hours of work and earnings.

Careers Advice

If you need any further information or you would like to arrange a careers guidance interview, please email Mrs E Bortoli or telephone the school on 01629 812671.

National Careers Service Careers information, help and advice. You can open a ‘learning account’.