We are determined to provide the highest quality education for all students. In order to help parents and carers understand the data that we use to monitor progress and to help support the students, we have outlined our processes below.
How are students assessed at school?
At Lady Manners School we assess and monitor student progress in a number of ways.
- Students receive written feedback and HTIs (how to improve) from their subject teachers which can be found in students’ exercise books or on submitted written work or test papers. It is written in red pen so that it is easily identifiable.
- Students receive oral feedback from their subject teachers.
- Students receive online feedback through Class Charts.
- Students respond to feedback in green pen during MAD (make a difference) time in lessons.
- Students sit a range of formal assessments, tests and examinations for which they receive a score or grade.
- Students discuss their progress with their form tutor.
- At three points during the year, we give students progress grades and also grades for their engagement in learning and independent learning.
Will parents and carers receive any progress data?
Yes. In addition to the feedback provided in exercise books and after assessments, we collect data about each student at three points during the year. Students will be provided with a summary of this data to discuss with their form tutor and parents and carers will be provided with a copy of the data via an interim or summary report. We also hold at least one parents’ evening for each year group per year, before which you will receive an interim report. Each student’s Head of Year is a good point of contact if parents and carers wish to discuss their child’s progress.
How can parents and carers help their children to progress?
- Discuss the written feedback in their exercise books and help their child to set targets or areas for development.
- Monitor the cycle data and discuss changes with their child.
- Encourage their child to engage in effective independent learning at home by helping to provide space and time for study.
- Encourage their child to read to develop strong literacy skills and to be inquisitive about learning.
Understanding the data
Explanations of the grades we provide are given below (click on the links to expand):