- Progressive objectives are shared with students and revisited
- Adaptations and scaffolding are explicit, where additional challenge or support is needed for specific individuals
- Support is targeted to different students depending on needs
- Thinking time is given when questions are posed
- Interventions for DS/SEND students are seen in the lesson
- Seating plan takes into account progress and targets
- PP and SEND students are seated within the seating plan to maximise their potential for learning and improving their progress
- Learning is scaffolded for those who need it using prompts/writing frames as well as oral devices
- A dyslexia friendly environment and resources are established and used
- Lesson activities/questions are adapted as needs arise for individuals or the group
- Live marking is used as a powerful tool for improvement and motivation
- If a TA is in the lesson they are directed by the teacher and not just an extra pair of hands
- TAs are directed to work with other students so that SEND students also benefit form time with subject specialists
- Written and verbal feedback is targeted to meet individual needs especially for disadvantaged students
- Group/paired work is organised to ensure suitable groupings for discussion work that promotes understanding and thinking
- DS and SEND students are paired /grouped appropriately to maximise their learning potential
- More able students have been given opportunities to extend their knowledge/skills
- There is a feeling that all students can do well, learn well, be challenged and will be given support in doing so
- Homework including revision homework will be well planned and develop the learning of the individuals
- There are no periods where students are waiting for the next task or for others to finish
Examples for students
- If choice of task is given the students have chosen appropriately (e.g. in line with target grade)
- Students are questioning each other and the teacher
- Students respond well to their individual feedback, both oral and written
- Students are not waiting for others to finish they are improving their work or they seek extension work
- Students will self-check and peer mark work well
- If tasks are differentiated e.g. gold, silver and bronze students are working on appropriate task for their ability/target not the easiest option
- Students are able to explain and understand what they know, are learning and why
- Dyslexic students are confident and use appropriate resources when needed or IT to support their learning such as reader pens and voice activated software
- Students work well in pairs/group work encouraging each other with learning
- All students seek support only when appropriate and are confident to do so from each other and the teacher/TA
- Students are not reliant on adults to do the thinking for them
- Disadvantaged and SEND students are confident to seek support from their teacher or other students if needed
- Students will all be using knowledge builders and skills ladders well irrespective of ability
- Students do not rely on others to make progress
Examples for the teacher
- Teacher provides lesson notes for students with severe dyslexia, these students are not involved in lots of copying from the board or textbooks
- Teacher gives appropriate scaffolds when needed and is not afraid to remove them when no longer needed
- Teacher has a variety of activities in MAD time that allow students to make good progress
- Teacher allows dyslexic students to photograph the homework instructions or notes on the board
- Teacher does not expect dyslexic students to read aloud unless confident to do so and does not insist they correct all spellings in MAD time
- Teacher gives individualised feedback and HTI comments
- Teacher sticks to classroom routines to promote good learning
- Teacher refers back to learning objectives during lessons and encourages all students to reflect on their progress
- Teacher has clear, high expectations for the progress of each individual student
- Teacher uses resources such as mini whiteboards to facilitate full participation and for students to answer in their own ways without fear of failure
- Teacher will be making sure no student is held back by another
- Teacher will use adaptive teaching strategies at appropriate points in the lesson
- Teacher will ensure students of all abilities use knowledge builders and skills ladders well
- Teacher monitors the progress of individuals throughout the lesson so they can direct students to appropriate work if they give choices or tasks which are differentiated
- Teacher tailors questions to meet the needs or promote progress of individuals
- Teacher is aware of where all the PP and SEND students are in the lesson and actively checks on their progress
- Teacher asks DS at least one question and checks on their progress first
- Teacher does not allow any student to coast