Name: Mr  Peter Freeman
Date of appointment: 9 December 2021 (First Appointed 7 November 2003)
Term of office: 4 years
Appointing body: Vicar of Bakewell
Other school governance roles: None
Business interests*: Director of Bakewell Gold Club, Trustee of Campbell Blair Orphan Endowment
Material interests: None
Attendance record (last academic year): 87.5%
*Governors are required to declare any business or pecuniary interests, which may have a bearing on decisions they make

I spent most of my childhood years in Baslow. I played cricket and football for the local village team and was a football referee for 15 years.

I thoroughly enjoyed my years at Lady Manners School, and feel privileged to have been taught by some of the school legends, Reg ‘Fig’ Harvey, Maurice ‘Ponty’ Bridge, Phillip Hogg and Gerald Tracey who all had a lasting effect on anyone who met or knew them. I left school after A Levels and went straight into a training contract to become a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, which I achieved some four years later.

I have worked for various firms/companies in Sheffield, before moving to Shorts Chartered Accountants, in Chesterfield where I remained a partner for over 35 years, before retiring in 2012. We trained a significant number of students and I am keen to help bridge the gap between commerce and the education system.

I live in Bakewell with my wife Karen and our two children James and Samantha, who both followed in the footsteps of their dad and grandfather at Lady Manners School. My hobbies include an interest in all sports, especially now playing golf.

I enjoy ‘going back to school’ as a governor to help support the staff in providing the best education possible for all students.