Name: Mrs Hannah Montague
Date of appointment: 23 March 2023
Term of office: 4 years
Appointing body: Governing Board
Other school governance roles: None
Business interests*: None
Material interests: None
Attendance record (last academic year): 100%
*Governors are required to declare any business or pecuniary interests, which may have a bearing on decisions they make

I am Derbyshire born and bred. I graduated with a First Class Law Degree and qualified as a solicitor in 2006. I worked at a legal practice in Sheffield and Bakewell for 19 years and decided to leave the legal profession in 2023 to pursue a career in Education.  I now work in a school for disabled children and children with Special Educational Needs, which I absolutely love.

I am a volunteer coach for Rykneld Artistic Swimming Squad, I also have strong links with the Rotary Club of Bakewell.

I am passionate about ensuring students are able to maximise their potential during their learning journey.

I enjoy being a Governor at Lady Manners School and am particularly enthusiastic to be the SEND Link Governor.

I strive to support Lady Manners School to provide the best possible education for its students, whilst acknowledging the importance of the wellbeing of both staff and students.

I enjoy dancing, running, swimming, walking and going on adventures with my family in the Peak District.