Name: Ms Alison Gray
Date of appointment: 18 November 2020
Term of office: 4 years
Appointing body: Governing Body
Other school governance roles: None
Business interests*: TBA
Material interests: TBA
Attendance record (last academic year): 75%
*Governors are required to declare any business or pecuniary interests, which may have a bearing on decisions they make

As a qualified marketing professional for more than thirty years, I have worked across many different sectors including Tourism (both in the UK and overseas), Food Retailing, Funerals/End of Life Financial Planning, Public Transport and Business Support Services.

In March 2020 I became co-owner and Director of Asympcom Limited, a locally based marketing and communications consultancy business, that has been successfully operating since 2006.

As a resident of the Peak District for twenty years, I live in Chelmorton with my partner and love nothing better than to enjoy and explore the region, as well as dog walking with our black Labrador.

I relish opportunities to give something back to society.

Throughout my career I have trained, mentored and coached colleagues and teams to enhance their personal skills, performance and/or behaviour. Nowadays I am a registered mentor on the governments ‘Help to Grow programme’ supporting SME’s develop and grow following the pandemic.

The opportunity to volunteer as a Governor is another way to give something back. My enthusiasm, business experience, and desire to continuously develop are all factors that are being put to good use in supporting Lady Manners Leadership Team to deliver the very best they can for their students, staff and wider community.